Wings - Raymond Huber


By: Raymond Huber

Paperback | 1 July 2011

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The adventurous honey bee, Ziggy, gets into another sticky situation.

Ziggy and his new family are on another adventure. They travel to Japan for a special mission – to try and find out what is causing the bees of Tokyo to disappear. While investigating, Ziggy comes across new friends, a colony of honey bees with a very different way of protecting their hive; and a new terrifying enemy – the huge hornet, Torgo. When Ziggy’s built-in navigation system suddenly vanishes, Ziggy, Wiri and Calluna are lost in the strange city. Will Ziggy be able to guide them back to base and solve the mystery of the missing bees in time?

About the Author

Raymond Huber lives in Dunedin. He has been a social worker, gardener, primary school teacher, lecturer, and is currently a writer and editor. He's written Science and English textbooks and short stories for children. Sting, is his first novel for Walker Books Australia, was short-listed for the NZ Post Book Awards for Children & Young Adults, Junior Fiction Category, 2010; and the Sir Julius Vogel Awards, Young Adult Category, 2010; as well as being a Storylines Notable Book, Junior Fiction Category, 2010.
Industry Reviews

This is a great adventure story that kids can read with wide open imaginations.
Great plots, clear action and strong relationships make for a great story. The main characters just happen to be bees!

-- Andrew Rumbles, Dymocks Booksellers Ponsonby

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