Look After Me - Aoife Walsh

Look After Me

By: Aoife Walsh

Paperback | 6 February 2014 | Edition Number 1

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'But we don't know the first thing about looking after babies.'

Phoebe's mum and dad are foster parents, and they're having a tough time. Her dad's moved out for bit, and her little foster brothers are playing up. So when Phoebe and her brother Adam find a baby abandoned in their den, they decide to try and look after her themselves . . .

Industry Reviews
"A delightful and moving story" -- Clare Maltby * Booksellers' Choice, The Bookseller *
"A unanimous hit" * Urmston Bookshop, Books for Keeps *
"A believable insight into what it must be like to have parents who provide a home for vulnerable and demanding children who are not their own. I applaud the way she does this" * The School Librarian *
"Enormously engaging, funny, and thought-provoking. . . A compulsive read celebrating the rich variety of family life." * Booktrust *
"Moving story will appeal to all thoughtful readers. A striking first novel!" * Carousel *

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