Looking After Daddy - Eve Coy

Looking After Daddy

By: Eve Coy

Paperback | 2 May 2019

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Jump inside the imagination of one unforgettable little girl who likes to pretend she's babysitting her daddy, when really he's looking after her! Children will adore following along as she turns the tables on her dad William, but always sees his potential. When he grows up he could be an astronaut or a lion tamer or a famous chocolate maker, but his most important job is being her Dad. (And possibly being an astronaut, if she can come too.)

This uplifting tale of a stay-at-home father and his daughter is guaranteed to melt your heart.

Industry Reviews
"Charming and heartfelt... The story expertly captures the always entertaining if often tiring adventures that make up a day in the life of a parent" * Best New Children's Books Guide, produced by the Publishers' Association and published in the Guardian 2018 *
"This gem sums up the perils and pleasures of parenthood through the eyes of a child, and through the entertaining facial expressions of her long suffering father." * The Evening Echo, Cork *
"Wonderfully warm and wacky" * Books for Keeps *

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