Search results for tag: Veronica Roth

Divergent author Veronica Roth to pen new series

Just when you thought Veronica Roth fans couldn’t get more excited with the release of the film adaptation of Insurgent, the second novel of the bestselling Divergent trilogy, around the corner, an announcement from the author has given them even more reason to celebrate. Roth has inked a deal for a new two book series, the first of which is due to arrive in 2017. According to HarperColli... Read more

by | March 3, 2015

Ambelin Kwaymullina’s Top 5 Dystopian Books

1. Blood Red Road The Dustland Series: Book 1 by Moira Young Loved this story! Saba’s world is so compelling, and the action scenes are superbly done. There were some moments (especially when Saba is cagefighting) when I was literally sitting on the edge of my seat, hunched over the book as my eyes scanned the page, almost tripping over words in my head from reading too fast as I hurried to fin... Read more

by | June 29, 2012