Search results for tag: Paul Merrill

Three Authors Offer Advice for Writers: Tara Moss, Michael Robotham, Paul Merrill

I interview writers every week here on the Booktopia Blog. My Ten Terrifying Questions have been answered by over 250 published authors ranging from mega selling global stars like Jackie Collins and Lee Child to brilliant, relatively unknown debut authors such as Miles Franklin shortlisted Favel Parret and Rebecca James. In each of these interviews I ask the following question: Q. What advice d... Read more

by | December 13, 2012

Paul Merrill, author of A Polar Bear Ate My Head: Misadventures in Magazines, answers Ten Terrifying Questions

The Booktopia Book Guru asks Paul Merrill author  of A Polar Bear Ate My Head: Misadventures in Magazines Ten Terrifying Questions ———————————- 1. To begin with why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself – where were you born? Raised? Schooled? In a leafy part of southern England much like Midsomer, but with fewer mu... Read more

by | August 10, 2012