Parapsychology and the Unconscious - Jule Eisenbud

Parapsychology and the Unconscious

By: Jule Eisenbud, Alex Grey (Illustrator)

Paperback | 1 December 1992 | Edition Number 2

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"In the true spirit of a worthy descendant of Freud, Jule Eisenbud boldly takes on some of the most far-reaching questions facing humanity and offers a logically compelling theory that is equal to the questions in its scope and audacity. Looking to the underlying aspects of the mind, the unconscious, for clues to the underlying nature of the universe, Eisenbud finds there evidence suggesting that psi, the unacknowledged sign of connections between individual beings and events, is the force regulating and controlling the functioning of the universe and thus giving it the predictability observed by scientists."
- Emily Williams Cook, Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research
Industry Reviews
"In my opinion, Jule Eisenbud is parapsychology's premier living theoretician. Currently, he is the only person in the field today attempting a truly global and systematic analysis of paranormal phenomena and their place in nature. Or, perhaps I should say he is the only person competently undertaking the taskE He is brilliant, deep, very sophisticated conceptually, and-whether on target or not-always interesting and stimulating.- Dr. Stephen Braude, Department of Philosophy, University of Maryland " In my opinion, Jule Eisenbud is parapsychology ' s premier living theoretician. Currently, he is the only person in the field today attempting a truly global and systematic analysis of paranormal phenomena and their place in nature. Or, perhaps I should say he is the only person competently undertaking the task E He is brilliant, deep, very sophisticated conceptually, and - whether on target or not - always interesting and stimulating. - Dr. Stephen Braude, Department of Philosophy, University of Maryland

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