Traffic and Granular Flow '22 : Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering - K. Ramachandra Rao

Traffic and Granular Flow '22

By: K. Ramachandra Rao (Editor), Armin Seyfried (Editor), Andreas Schadschneider (Editor)

Hardcover | 27 June 2024

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This book gathers contributions on a variety of flowing collective systems. While primarily focusing on pedestrian dynamics, it also reflects the latest developments in areas such as vehicular traffic and granular flows and addresses related emerging topics such as self-propelled particles, data transport, swarm behaviour, intercellular transport, and individual interactions to complex systems. Combining fundamental research and practical applications in the various fields discussed, the book offers a valuable asset for researchers and professionals in areas such as civil and transportation engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, physics, computer science, and mathematics.

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