Touching Tibet : Eye Classics : Book 0 - Niema Ash

Touching Tibet

By: Niema Ash

eBook | 31 October 2010 | Edition Number 1

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Niema Ash was one of the first Westerners to enter Tibet when its borders were briefly opened in 1986. Visiting at a time when tourists were few and far between allowed her to encounter people for whom traditional life had been unchanged for generations. Their humour, spirituality, and sheer enthusiasm for life had carried them through years of oppression. Niema relates her experiences in this absorbing personal tale with wit, compassion and sensitivity. Despite the determined efforts of the Dalai Lama to publicise the Tibetan cause, to this day the people, culture and traditions remain mysterious to many. Touching Tibet gives an insight into the heart and soul of this magnificent and enigmatic country.


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