The Master : Lightning Strikes - Geoff Havel

The Master

Lightning Strikes

By: Geoff Havel

Paperback | 1 May 2009

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Rick and his grandpa are competing for the title of ‘The Master’ in a battle of practical jokes ... but will it all go too far?

Rick lives on a farm with his mum and his grandfather. They’re a normal family except for one thing: Rick and his grandpa are engaged in a constant battle of practical jokes. Whether dying the milk green, putting the clocks forward, short-sheeting the beds or using whoopee cushions in church, they each try to out do the other and claim the title of ‘The Master’.
  • Lightning Strikes are a series of short, fast-paced novels, laced with a good dose of humour.
  • Design includes funky chapter heads, wide leading, generous type and plenty of white space.
About The Author

Geoff was born in the mountains of New Guinea but now lives in Perth with his wife, Sindy. His two children, Jade and Josh have grown up and left home and now, Geoff is a grandfather. Geoff has been a primary school teacher for 30 years and has written two picture books and five children’s novels.

The Lightning Strikes Series

Sucked Out : Lightning Strikes - John Parker
Freaky : Lightning Strikes - Sue Whiting
Black Baron : Lightning Strikes - Robyn Opie
Wreck the Halls : Lightning Strikes - Meg McKinlay