The Consummata : A Hard Case Crime Novel - Mickey Spillane

The Consummata

A Hard Case Crime Novel

By: Mickey Spillane, Max Allan Collins

Paperback | 4 October 2011

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Compared to the $40 million the cops think he stole, $75,000 may not sound like much. But it's all the money in the world to the struggling Cuban exiles of Miami who rescued Morgan the Raider. So when it's snatched by a man the Cubans trusted, Morgan sets out to get it back.

A simple favor but as the bodies pile up -- dead men and beautiful women-- the Raider wonders what kind of Latin hell he's gotten himself into, and just who or what is the mysterious Consummata?

Begun by mystery master Mickey Spillane in the late 1960s and completed four decades later by his friend Max Allan Collins ("Road to Perdition)," "The Consummata"is the long-awaited follow-up to Spillane's bestseller "The Delta Factor" -- a breathtaking tale of treachery, sensuality, and violence, showcasing two giants of crime fiction at their pulse-pounding, two-fisted best.

About the Author

"Mickey" Spillane is the legendary crime writer of the Mike Hammer novels, selling millions of copies worldwide. Max Allan Collins is a prolific crime & thriller author, and also the literary executor of Mickey Spillane.
Industry Reviews
"Morgan might prove to be Spillane's best all-out thriller!" (The New York Times) "Collins' witty, hard-boiled prose would make Raymond Chandler proud." (Entertainment Weekly)"

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