Survive - Alex Morel


By: Alex Morel

Paperback | 1 August 2012

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Jane is running away from everything. From the facility she's been living in, from her pain, from her guilt, from life. She boards a plane to Montclair, New Jersey, though her destination does not matter - she doesn't plan to be alive when the plane lands. Jane has planned the perfect suicide. She'll fall asleep on the plane and never wake up. But as she's reaching for her pills in the tiny bathroom, the plane hits turbulence. Another jolt, the engine's down. The plane crashes into the cold, remote mountains of Montana, and Jane and a boy named Paul are the only two survivors. It took a brush with death to make Jane realise that she didn't want to die. But now there is snow, mountains, cliffs, little food and no water standing between life and death. And suddenly it's not just Jane. There is another person in the equation and she needs to get them both to safety. She needs them both to survive.

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