But there's a second stronger reason for writing this book which stands taller than the readers demand and that is SQL Server itself. Almost 90 per cent projects in software industry need databases or persistent data in some or other form. When it comes to .NET persisting data SQL Server is the most preferred database to do it. There are projects which use Oracle, DB2 and other database product, but SQL Server still has the major market chunk when language is .NET and especially operating system is windows. I treat this great relationship between .NET, SQL Server and Windows OS as a family relationship. In my previous book we had only one chapter which was dedicated to SQL Server which is complete injustice to this beautiful product. So why an interview question book on SQL Server? If you look at any .NET interview conducted in your premises both parties (Employer and Candidate) pay no attention to SQL Server even though when it is such an important part of development project. They will go talking about stars (OOP, AOP, Design patterns, MVC patterns, Microsoft Application blocks, Project Management etc etc).
I am not saying these things are not important but if you see in development or maintenance majority time you will be either in your IDE or in SQL Server. Secondly many candidates go really as heroes when answering questions of OOP, AOP, Design patterns, architecture, remoting and others but when it comes to simple basic question on SQL Server like SQL, indexes (Forget DBA level questions) they are completely out of track. Third very important thing IT is changing people expect more out of less. That means they expect a programmer should be architect, coder, tester and yes and yes a DBA also. There where times and it will still exist for mission critical data that there will be separate positions for DBA's. But now many interviewers expect programmers to also do a job of DBA, Data warehousing etc. This is the major place where developers lack during facing these kinds of interview. So this book will make you walk through those surprising questions which can sprang from SQL Server aspect. I have tried to not go too deep as that will defeat the complete purpose of an "Interview Question" book.
I think that an interview book should make you run through those surprising question and make you prepare in a small duration (probably with a night or so). I hope this book really point pitfalls which can come during SQL Server Interview's. I hope this book takes you to a better height and gives you extra confidence boost during Interviews. SQL Server is the database flagship of Microsoft. It's probably the only best database product when doing projects with windows and its rule the windows family like a king. "SQL Server 2005", its recent release is packed with probably the best features like .NET integration, Data warehousing and mining concept which makes it one of the best product for both DBA's and programmers. This book goes how to tackle interview questions related to this product and get you in to a decent position.