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Black Infinity : First Contact - Murray Leinster

Black Infinity

First Contact

By: Murray Leinster, Ray Bradbury, Robert Silverberg

Paperback | 20 September 2022

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BLACK INFINITY: FIRST CONTACT features 15 strange adventures exploring close encounters with alien life and alien technology by the best writers of yesterday, today and tomorrow, including Robert Silverberg, Ray Bradbury, Douglas Smith, Leigh Brackett, James Dorr, Murray Leinster, Vonnie Winslow Crist, Jason J. McCuiston, Lester Del Rey, Katherine Maclean, Jerome Bixby and others. Includes three special illustrated features: tributes to the original Battlestar Galactica TV series (by author and screenwriter Gregory L. Norris) and producer George Pal's 1953 movie classic The War of the Worlds (by film historian Justin Humphrey, Curator of the Pal Estate); and a look at First Contact in classic cinema, literature, and television. Plus, illustrations by award-winning artist Allen Koszowski, a vintage 1950s comics story by Wallace (Wally) Wood and Joe Orlando, and much, much more