Armageddon Special Edition : Angelbound Origins Book 7 - Christina Bauer

Armageddon Special Edition

Angelbound Origins Book 7

By: Christina Bauer

Paperback | 22 June 2019

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The bestselling story of the King of Hell versus the girl from Purgatory--now in an extended edition

Years have passed since Myla Lewis last fought gladiator-style in Purgatory's Arena. Now, she's fighting again, only this time in Hell. And the stakes have never been higher. The demon King of Hell, Armageddon, has kidnapped Myla and Lincoln's young son, Maxon.

In the wake of Maxon's abduction, all the after-realms calling for war, and no one shouts louder than Lincoln. Myla knows that a war against Hell will cost millions of lives, so she devises her own plan, involving a small attack team and a secret entrance to Hell. Will Myla save Maxon, or will her child and all the after-realms fall to Armageddon?

Don't miss this exciting conclusion to Angelbound Origins Afterward, Myla and Lincoln's story continues with the next generation in the Angelbound Offspring books.

"Wow...I mean this series was great already, but Armageddon was such a great addition. A rich and believable world " - Trips Down Imagination Road

Angelbound Origins
In which Myla Lewis kicks ass and takes names. Nuff said.
1. Angelbound
2. Scala
3. Acca
4. Thrax
5. The Dark Lands
6. The Brutal Time (Fall 2019)
7. Armageddon (already here, long story )
8. Quasi Redux (Fall 2020)

Angelbound Offspring
The next generation takes on Heaven, Hell, and everything in between
1. Maxon
2. Portia
3. Zinnia (Summer 2019)
4. Kaps (Summer 2020)
5. Huntress (Summer 2021)

Angelbound Lincoln
Angelbound Origins as told by Prince Lincoln
1. Duty Bound
2. Lincoln
3. Tricksters

Also From Christina Bauer
- Fairy Tales of the Magicorum, a series of modern fairy tales with sass, action, and romance
- Beholder, where a medieval farm girl discovers necromancy and true love
- Dimension Drift, a dystopian adventure with science, snark, and hot aliens

Don't Miss Out
Get your FREE copy of Christina's novella, BEVERLY HILLS VAMPIRE, when you sign up for her personal newsletter: https: // ***Not available in stores***

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