Diver Creed Station - Oliver Phipps

Diver Creed Station

By: Oliver Phipps

Paperback | 6 November 2019

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Wars, disease and a massive collapse of civilization have ravaged the human race of a hundred years in the future. Finally in the late twenty-second century mankind begins to slowly struggle back from the edge of extinction.
When a huge "virtual life" facility is restored from a hibernation state and carefully brought back online, a renewed hope materializes.
A social structure begins to emerge around the virtual facility. An existence in which a man or woman can provide seven days of basic labor and earn seven days in one of many luxury settings in the virtual zone. As time goes by and more of the virtual pods are brought back online life appears to be getting better.
However, the old-world system is tainted. Ghosts from the past and mysterious factions intermingle as two young technicians become trapped in virtual realities and a history they have very little knowledge of.