Arthur C Clarke : A Life Remembered - Fred Clarke

Arthur C Clarke

A Life Remembered

By: Fred Clarke, Mark Stewart (As told to), Kelvin F Long (As told to), Robert Godwin (As told to)

Paperback | 1 January 2014

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This book begins with Sir Arthur C. Clarke's early years on the family farm in Somerset, as recounted by his brother Fred. Clarke's talent for playful mischief -- especially in challenging his school masters - and his enquiring mind -- already looking out to the stars even at a young age - are clearly in evidence, as is the creative day-dreaming that would later lead to so many timeless world famous stories. The book includes special guest contributions from Stephen Baxter, Michael Moorcock, Ben Bova, Greg Benford, Fred Ordway, Robert Sawyer, Paul McAuley, Sir Patrick Moore, British astronaut Helen Sharman and many others; all of whom describe the enduring influence of this celebrated writer. The book also includes a unique collection of photographs from the Clarke family, some of which have never been published before. This is a rare insight into Arthur's early life and into the people he met and influenced during his own personal Odyssey.

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