Cottingley : Newcon Press Novellas Set 2 - Alison Littlewood


By: Alison Littlewood

Paperback | 17 July 2017

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In 1917 the world was rocked by claims that two young girls - Elsie Wright and Frances Griffiths - had photographed fairies in the sleepy village of Cottingley. A century later, we finally learn the true nature of these fey creatures. Correspondence has come to light that contains a harrowing account, written by village resident Lawrence Fairclough, laying bare the fairies' sinister malevolence and spiteful intent. Darkness festers in the heart of rural England.

A gripping, enchanting tale from the bestselling author of Richard & Judy Book Club hit The Cold Season.

"Alison Littlewood has a real talent for building atmosphere, loaded with the promise of things to come." - The Guardian

"Littlewood's descriptions are picturesque and her prose convincingly dated and beautifully lyrical." - Sunday Express

"Alison Littlewood is one of the brightest stars in the horror genre at the moment." - This is Horror

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