Galactic Patrol - E. E. Doc Smith

Galactic Patrol

By: E. E. Doc Smith

Paperback | 26 July 2023

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Kimball Kinnison is one of the greatest Lensman to ever live. Galactic Patrol follows his early career and his rise to prominence.

The Boskonians are the most feared pirates in the galaxy. Their ships are much faster than almost anything the Galactic Patrol posses. The one exception is their new experimental ship the Britannia. Built to be the fastest ship in space, she has abandoned the traditional ray armament of a star ship for weapons much older - explosive artillery. Her mission is to capture a Boskonian ship intact so that the Lensman my find the secret to the Boskonin phenomenal speed. The experimental nature of the Britannia's weapon means that she would be useless to a man experienced only in using the standard weapons of the time, so she is given to the inexperienced Kinnison to command and a legend is born

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