The Road To Ever After - Moira Young

The Road To Ever After

By: Moira Young

Hardcover | 20 January 2016

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When orphan boy Davy and his stray dog George are driven out of their home in the lead up to Christmas, they are forced to take shelter in a boarded-up old museum on the outskirts of town. It is here they meet Miss Flint, and where their adventure really begins. Miss Flint is dying and demands to be taken back to her family home, where a coffin with her name on it awaits. She offers Davy payment to be her 'chauffeur' and so begins their journey, stealing cars, pulling tricks and avoiding the police at every turn. But all the time, Miss Flint seems to be regaining her youth, rolling back the years one decade at a time... The Road to Ever After, is a charming, magical Christmas story from Moira Young, author of the bestselling Dustlands trilogy, and is sure to enchant everyone who reads it.
Industry Reviews
An elegiac novel, with the poignant elegance of a fading society belle - and some raucous belly laughs along the way * Guardian * The story asks readers to accept the miraculous, and rewards them in return with a beautifully written story, full of memorable characters and scenes, and the sense that life can be wonderful if you follow the right road. * Books for Keeps * This book sent me on a roller coaster of emotions. Despite shedding tears, I found it to be full of hope as well as being very beautiful and poignant. This is a must read for adults, let alone children! * Readingzone * This book is like a warm hug during dangerous times. An ideal book to put in a stocking for Christmas Day. * Serendipity Reviews * Every line, every thought, every idea in this magical book about an orphan boy on a remarkable journey of self-discovery has been worked up into an unforgettable modern classic. Beautifully written and imbued with genuine warmth and wisdom. * Lancashire Evening Post * Gorgeous writing combines with a hauntingly bleak near-future setting, a whiff of holiday magic, and a transcendent story arc to make this novel feel like the classic it deserves to become. * Kirkus, Starred Review * Gorgeous writing combines with a hauntingly bleak near-future setting, a whiff of holiday magic, and a transcendent story arc to make this novel feel like the classic it deserves to become. -- Kirkus, Starred Review * Kirkus *

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