Noir : A Steampunk Fantasy - Jacqueline E Garlick


A Steampunk Fantasy

By: Jacqueline E Garlick

Paperback | 29 January 2015

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With Urlick imprisoned for the murder of Professor Smrt, Eyelet must find her way back through the Infirm-infested woods, to the forbidden city of Brethren, to free Urlick before it's too late. Along the way, she elicits the help of Crazy Legs, Urlick's longtime friend. Together they overthrow a travelling freak show train destined for Brethren, with plans to use it to distract the city, so Urlick can make an escape. But Eyelet is lead astray, when a haunting image from her past appears in an abandoned factory at the edge of town. There she unearths a series of ungodly secrets and soon finds herself, imprisoned. Will C.L. be able to save them both from their fates? Or will he too, fall prey to the tyranny of Brethren's newest Ruler? Rumor has it the Ruler has secrets of her own. Secrets she's determined to keep. Seems an heir may have been overlooked. The true heir to the Commonwealth throne. NOIR ..".one of the most inventive story worlds I've read in years..." Donald Maass, Author of Writing the Breakout Novel...

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