Tomorrow - Nick Gifford


By: Nick Gifford

Paperback | 18 February 2014

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Tomorrow: a future only you can see; a future only you can save...

When fifteen-year-old Luke's father dies, his eccentric family threatens to descend into chaos. Luke distracts himself by helping to sort through his father's belongings, a painful process which takes on an entirely new dimension when he discovers that his father had somehow had knowledge of events in his own future. This prescience is connected in some way to a recent spate of terrorist attacks, which would explain why security forces - and others - start to take an interest in Luke's discovery. Just what had his father known, and why are Luke and his friends suddenly at the centre of it all?

Tomorrow: an emotion- and time-tangled thriller set in the War Against Chronological Terror.

Tomorrow: when three teenagers may have the power to save or destroy a world that is yet to be.

'The king of children's horror' (Sunday Express)

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