Seeking - Madeline Freeman


By: Madeline Freeman

Paperback | 26 September 2012

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Being psychic isn't all it's cracked up to be. After learning she has a key role in a centuries-old prophecy, Morgan Abbey hopes to use her abilities to accomplish the one thing she has wanted to do for a decade: find her mother. However, the Watchers who protect her refuse to let her search. They have good reason to urge caution. A sinister and shadowy organization known as the Veneret want Morgan, convinced her role in the Prophecy will allow them to regain their position as rulers of humanity. With the Veneret after her, Morgan has no choice but to listen to the Watchers-and spend her time honing her abilities for the inevitable showdown. Training with Morgan are her friends Lucas, Corbin, and Lia-three of the four Naturals that the Prophecy says will make her strong. Before they can fulfill their destiny, a fourth Natural must be found. When Morgan discovers that her mother might be in danger, she is prepared to dismiss all the warnings of the Watchers in order to bring her safely home. With the help of her friends, Morgan will risk everything in an attempt to save her mom. But forces darker than she can imagine are out there, waiting to make their move. Before her search is over, Morgan will find that not everything is as it seems-and those she thought she could trust may just be her greatest enemies.

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