Dreamland : Riley Bloom Series : Book 3 - Alyson Noel


Riley Bloom Series : Book 3

By: Alyson Noel

Paperback | 1 October 2011 | Edition Number 1

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The third book in the moving and upliftingly Riley Bloom series, exploring one girl's adventures in the afterlife – from the bestselling author of The Immortals.

"All I wanted, all I'd ever dreamed of, was to be thirteen. But then I died."

Riley Bloom's afterlife is about as good as it gets, except she'll never be a teenager. Riley desperately wants speak to her older sister, Ever, and ask her advice. Ever is still alive and the only way Riley can reach her is to search for Dreamland – a place where ghosts can jump into dreams and talk to their loved ones. But when she finally gets there Riley discovers that Dreamland isn't as heavenly as it sounds. In fact, it's a total nightmare.

About the Author

Alyson Noel is the author of many books for teens, including the bestselling The Immortals series and The Riley Bloom series. Her books have been published in 35 countries and have sold millions of copies around the world. She lives in sunny Laguna Beach, California, where she's busy working on her next novel.

Other Books By Alyson Noël

The Immortals 1 : Evermore : The Immortals - Alyson Noel
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Horizon : The Soul Seekers : Book 4 - Alyson Noel
Infamous : Beautiful Idols - Alyson Noel

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Unrivaled : Beautiful Idols - Alyson Noel

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Laguna Cove : The Immortals - Alyson Noël
Cruel Summer : The Immortals - Alyson Noël
Fly Me to the Moon - Alyson Noël
