A Valentine's Surprise : Candy Fairies - Helen Perelman

A Valentine's Surprise

By: Helen Perelman, Erica-Jane Waters (Illustrator)

Hardcover | 17 December 2013

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The Candy Fairies have a mystery to solve in time for Berry's birthday-which also happens to be Valentine's Day!

Raina wants to make a very special birthday treat for Berry. She's even asked Lyra, the unicorn who looks after the Fruit Chew Meadow, to grow a special flower for the surprise. But when Raina and Dash go to visit Lyra, they are in for a sour shock! All the flowers in the meadow are wilting, and Lyra's sick! Her horn is dull and she can't stand up. Something-or someone-is hurting the gentle unicorn and the meadow, but who? And what about Berry's birthday?

All the Candy Fairies will have to work together if they are to solve this mystery, cure the meadow and Lyra, and make sure that Berry has the sweetest birthday ever!

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