Maximum Magic : Book One - The Save Our School Summer - Karleen Tauszik

Maximum Magic

Book One - The Save Our School Summer

By: Karleen Tauszik

Paperback | 3 May 2017

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Ten-year-old Will has big plans for a fun-filled summer break.

But Will's plans unravel when he finds out his school is closed--not just for the summer, but forever.

The mayor claims the building is too old and expensive to maintain. But closing it means Will and his friends will have a super-long bus ride to the new school in the next town. And even worse, it means Will's mom has lost her job in the school office.

Can the school be saved? Will leads his friends to the local magician, Max Goodman. Together, can they find the real reason for the closure? And can Max and the kids save the school with the demolition date looming and Max at risk of losing his powers?

In this contemporary adventure series, author Karleen Tauszik uses humor, tension and, of course, magic to create the perfect stories for middle grade readers.

THE SAVE OUR SCHOOL SUMMER is the first book in the Maximum Magic series of chapter books for ages 9-12. Look for Book 2, MAYHEM AT THE NEW MUSEUM, and Book 3, THE INFATUATION INFECTION to continue Will's adventures into Max's world of magic.

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