Voice of the Gods : Age of the Five, Book 3 - Trudi Canavan

Voice of the Gods

Age of the Five, Book 3

By: Trudi Canavan

Paperback | 25 October 2006

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The final book of this fabulous trilogy from the bestselling author of the Magicians' Guild. As protector of the Siyee, Auraya goes to investigate when a landwalker stranger is seen in Siyee lands and meets a mysterious woman claiming to be a friend of Mirar's, the founder of the Dreamwalkers.

Auraya's growing respect for this woman puts her on a path of direct conflict with the gods. the Pentadrians, frustrated by their defeat at the hands of the Circlians, plot and scheme to bring down their enemies by means other than direct conflict. The White send the Siyee into Southern Ithania to assist in fighting the Pentadrians and the gods allow Auraya to accompany them ... under certain conditions.

In the south, Mirar enjoys acceptance and respect as he reclaims his place among his people. But that freedom will come at a cost.

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