Shadow of the Dinosaurs - Dennis R. Nolan

Shadow of the Dinosaurs

By: Dennis R. Nolan

Hardcover | 1 November 2001

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What would you do if you found yourself back in the time of the dinosaurs?

While on a family camping trip, Jesse and his dog, Shadow, discover a mysterious bone. Jesse wonders if it might be a dinosaur bone before he settles down to sleep. Soon the bone begins to glow, and brave little Shadow watches in awe as the rocks and trees around her begin to transform themselves into gigantic dinosaurs.

Shadow finds herself transported into a fiery world beyond time, where dinosaurs rule the Earth. Will she ever be able to find her way back home to Jesse and safety?

Dennis Nolan's magnificent paintings will appeal to dinosaur fans everywhere as they find themselves captivated by this breathtaking picture-book adventure.

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