Why I Quit Zombie School : Goosebumbs: Hall of Horrors - R L Stine

Why I Quit Zombie School

By: R L Stine

Hardcover | 1 October 2011

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Welcome to the Hall of Horrors, HorrorLand's Hall of Fame for the truly terrifying.

Matt was never a superstar in school, but he's definitely the most energetic and quick-witted student here. But what's up with the others? His suspicions are finally confirmed when Franny, his new friend asks, "How long have you been dead?" To his horror, Matt realizes his parents have unknowingly enrolled him in a zombie school. When Matt overhears the zombie plans to march and claim the whole city for the undead, he has to make a frightening choice- protect himself and continue his charade-or reveal his aliveness and try to save the unsuspecting alive people in the town.

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