The Stormcaller : The Twilight Reign: Book 1 - Tom Lloyd

The Stormcaller

The Twilight Reign: Book 1

By: Tom Lloyd

Paperback | 1 May 2006 | Edition Number 1

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Isak is a white-eye, feared and despised in equal measure. Trapped in a life of poverty, hated and abused by his father, Isak dreams of escape, but when his chance comes, it isn't to a place in the army as he'd expected. Instead, the Gods have marked him out as heir-elect to the brooding Lord Bahl, the Lord of the Farlan. Lord Bahl is also a white-eye, a genetic rarity that produces men stronger, more savage and more charismatic than their normal counterparts. Their magnetic charm and brute strength both inspires and oppresses others. Now is the time for revenge, and the forging of empires. With mounting envy and malice, the men who would themselves be king watch Isak, chosen by Gods as flawed as the humans who serve them, as he is shaped and moulded to fulfil the prophecies that are encircling him like scavenger birds. The various factions jostle for the upper hand, and that means violence, but the Gods have been silent for too long and that violence is about to spill over and paint the world the colour of spilled blood and guts and pain and anguish . . .
Industry Reviews
It gallops along with scarcely a dull moment. - THE TIMES - Lisa Tuttle

This first novel has good ideas and a suitably flawed hero. The world is beautifully realised, the battles suitably grim and the dragon, when it appears, is magnificent. - THE GUARDIAN

'A fantasy with the same magnificence of conception, the same sense of looming presences whose purposes are not ours to apprehend. Fragments of old stories which stud and sometimes drive his narrative are not just there as decoration or machinery. They are there to make this world seem deeper and darker than Lloyd's gloom ridden narrative allows.' - TIME OUT - Roz Kaveney

'Magical creatures and high speed action scenes... packed with detail without being too heavy. The Stormcaller shows how high the bar has been raised with its sheer vision and inventiveness.' - SFX

As the book progresses, Lloyd's ball-juggling skills improve, and the plot becomes more coherent, his characters more convincing, and his story starts to grip. It'll be interesting to see how both author and series develop. - STARBURST

'It is intelligently written with good characterization. Fans of fantasy will want to keep an eye out for Tom Lloyd.' - CONCATENATION

The world that Lloyd has created seems much more real than that of most fantasy books. He has created a fantasy world that has believable politics and is inhabited by large numbers o

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