A Bitter Magic - Roderick Townley

A Bitter Magic

By: Roderick Townley

Hardcover | 10 November 2015

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A deliciously quirky tale of secrets, magic, and illusions.
Everything is in place: the packed theater, the Amazing Thummel, and, center stage, the magician's mysterious assistant. Some have called her the most beautiful woman in Europe.

Then, in a swirl of light, she vanishes!

An astounding illusion, but she never reappears. All that remains are a bloodstained white scarf and her daughter, Cisley, who lives in a glass castle and walks her pet lobster each morning by the sea.

Enter Cole, a rambunctious boy from town and Cisley's first true friend. Together they hunt for clues to her mother's disappearance. They puzzle over broken mirrors, ever-shifting labyrinths, a closet full of whispering ball gowns, and a fatal quest for a pure black rose.

Roderic Townley spins a deliciously spooky tale of one girl's journey to discover what's real and what is simply an illusion.

From the Hardcover edition.
Industry Reviews
"Plenty of magic, a touch of romance, and an appealing heroine."--Kirkus Reviews "A magical adventure with a fascinating setting that will please most middle graders looking for spooky fantasy."-- School Library Journal

"Cisley is an immensely likable heroine who will attract readers." -- Booklist

From the Hardcover edition.

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