Magic in the Park : Stepping Stone Book - Ruth Chew

Magic in the Park

By: Ruth Chew

Hardcover | 28 January 2014

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"Ruth Chew's classic books perfectly capture the joy of everyday magic."-Mary Pope Osborne, bestselling author of the Magic Tree House series

Jen Mace and her new friend, Mike Steward, learn that magic can happen when you least expect it. And though it is very exciting, it can also be dangerous.
Jen has just moved to Brooklyn. She misses the woods and fields of her old home, but while walking in Prospect Park, Jen meets Mike. Together they are fascinated by the older gentleman who is always surrounded by birds and seems to appear and disappear quite suddenly.

For decades, Ruth Chew's books have been enchanting early readers with the thrill of magic in their own lives. Now these tales are once again available to work their spell on a new generation of fans.

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