Blood and Chocolate - Annette Curtis Klause

Blood and Chocolate

By: Annette Curtis Klause

Hardcover | 1 September 1997

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In Blood and Chocolate, Annette Curtis Klause does for werewolves what Anne Rice has done for vampires.

Sixteen-year-old Vivian Gandillon is trying to fit in to her new home in the suburbs.  But trying to act "normal" isn't always easy, since Vivian and her family are werewolves.  It's glorious to have the power to change, and Vivian is a beautiful loup-garou with all the young wolves howling for her.  But she wants no part of her squabbling pack, left leaderless by her father's recent death.

Then Vivian falls in love with a human, a meat-boy.  If she reveals herself, will he relish the magic of her dual nature?  When a brutal murder threatens the pack's survival, Vivian's divided loyalties are further strained.  What is she really--human or beast?