The Golden Ghost : A Stepping Stone Book - Marion Dane Bauer

The Golden Ghost

By: Marion Dane Bauer, Peter Ferguson (Illustrator)

Hardcover | 22 March 2011

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Delsie knew it wasn't a good idea to dare her best friend Todd to explore the abandoned houses by the old mill. But she couldn't back down after the words slipped out of her mouth. Together the two friends bike to the mill and try the door of each abandoned house. They are all locked . . . except one. Delsie and Todd sneak inside and discover two strange things. Someone is living there. And something doesn't want Delsie to leave. It's a dog, a strange golden dog, that only Delsie can see
Newbery Honor-winning author Marion Dane Bauer spins a fourth spooky tale to complement her previous stories, "The Blue Ghost, The Red Ghost, " and "The Green Ghost."

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