Kerka's Book : Fairy Godmother Academy - Jan Bozarth

Kerka's Book

By: Jan Bozarth, Andrea Burden (Illustrator)

Paperback | 11 May 2010

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For girls who are fans of Harry Potter and have outgrown the Disney Fairies series and the American Girl books, the Fairy Godmother Academy is the perfect series--fantasy books filled with magic and adventure but grounded by contemporary girls and issues.
The series boasts an amazing Web site that allows girls to enter the world they visit in the books. There they can do activities both on- and offline, vote for things they'd like to see in the books, and connect with other Fairy Godmother Academy fans.
Kerka Laine is not one to sit around and let things happen to her. She knows from her adventure with her friend Birdie that she comes from a long line of fairy godmothers and that she's destined to start training as a fairy godmother herself. She just hates waiting for the training to begin When her dreams take her to Aventurine, the place where girls go to unlock their own special kind of magic, Kerka is more than ready. What she is not prepared for is the quest that the fairies give her: She must find her younger sister's voice before the sun rises on a mountain range called the Three Queens.
Kerka loves a challenge, but how can she find something that is invisible? In this second Fairy Godmother Academy book, Kerka begins the dangerous journey that will determine not only her future as a fairy godmother but also the fate of her sisters.
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Visit the Web site for games, activities, and networking with friends

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