Nurse Matilda Goes to Town : Knight Books - Christianna Brand

Nurse Matilda Goes to Town

By: Christianna Brand, Edward Ardizzone (Illustrator)

Paperback | 18 July 1991

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The second story in the series about the dreadfully naughty Brown children and their extraordinary nanny, Nurse Matilda. The author also wrote "Nurse Matilda" and "Nurse Matilda goes to Hospital"
Industry Reviews
The Brown menage has gone bad, the innumerable children (increased by adoption) have forgotten Nurse Matilda's Seven Lessons, so it's time for her to reappear - with bun and wrinkly round face and nose like two potatoes and rusty black dress and very big black stick (that ominous stop-time stick): and her Tooth, sticking out like a tombstone over her lower lip. Most of the naughtiness is aimed at Great-Aunt Adelaide and her ward Evangeline - cheerful tweeny-maid turned horrid prig - and if it's well-aimed it's also ill-mannered and unkind, as Nurse Matilda points out when she finally lets the children stop laughing. Better behaved, they want her but don't need her, and she leaves for a worse family, leaving behind a glowing good-by in the form of a Cinderella transformation of Tooth into coach-and-six to spirit them snugly home. The Browns' badness is more random than in the first, their goodness less gradual but the many Nurse Matilda admirers won't find it tiresome and they'll delight in that monumental Tooth. (Kirkus Reviews)

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