The Silver Branch - Rosemary Sutcliff

The Silver Branch

By: Rosemary Sutcliff

Paperback | 3 March 2011

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Violence and unrest are sweeping through Roman Britain. Justin and Flavius find themselves caught up in the middle of it all when they discover a plot to overthrow the Emperor.In fear for their lives they gather together a tattered band of men and lead them into the thick of battle, to defend the honour of Rome. But will they be in time to save the Emperor . . .Rosemary Sutcliff's books about Roman Britain have won much acclaim and the first in the sequence, The Eagle of the Ninth, has now sold over a million copies worldwide. The author writes with such passion and with such attention to detail that the Roman age is instantly brought to life and stays with the reader long after the last page has been turned.This new film tie-in edition is being published to coincide with the release of The Eagle, a major film adaptation of the first in The Eagle of the Ninth sequence.
Industry Reviews
For The Silver Branch: 'This is a book full of action and excitement, plot and intrigue combining real people of the time ... with the fictitious characters.' Historical Novels Review For The Eagle of the Ninth: 'Decades later, I can still hear echoes of The Eagle of the Ninth in my head: the chink of mail, the tired beat of the legionaries' feet.' Independent What a splendid story it is, compulsive reading! Junior Bookshelf

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