1. Assessment
1.1: Gabriele Bammer: Scoping public health problems
1.2: Sian M. Griffiths, Robyn Martin, and Don Sinclair: Priorities and ethics in health care
1.3: Julian Flowers: Assessing health status
1.4: John Wright and Ben Cave: Assessing health needs
1.5: Alex Scott-Samuel, Kate Ardern, and Martin Birley: Assessing health impacts
1.6: Peter Brambleby: Economic assessment
2. Data and information
2.1: Barry Tennison and Lamberto Manzoli: Understanding data, information, and knowledge
2.2: Don Detmer: Information technology and informatics
2.3: Sara Mallinson, Jennie Popay, and Gareth Williams: Questions, design, and analysis in qualitative research
2.4: Walter Ricciardi and Stefania Boccia: Epidemiological approach and design
2.5: Kalyanaraman Kumaran and Iain Lang: Statistical understanding
2.6: Iain Lang: Inference, causality, and interpretation
2.7: Anne Brice, Amanda Burls, and Alison Hill: Finding and appraising evidence
2.8: Richard Hopkins and Aaron Kite-Powell: Monitoring disease and risk factors: surveillance
2.9: Patrick Saunders, Andrew Kibble, Amanda Burls, and A.T Saunders: Investigating alleged clusters
2.10: Rachael Brok, Sara Stevens, and Jem Rashbass: Assessing longer-term health trends: disease registers
3. Direct action
3.1: Sarah O>'Brien: Communicable disease epidemics
3.2: Wendy Heiger-Bernays and Kathryn Crawford: Environmental health risks & assessment
3.3: Stefanos N. Kales and Michael S. Chin: Safeguarding and promoting health in the workplace
3.4: Meredith Minkler and Charlotte Chang: Engaging communities in participatory research and action
3.5: Paul Bolton and Frederick M. Burkle, Jr: Disasters
3.6: Angela Raffle, Alex Barratt, and J. A. Muir Gray: Assuring screening programmes
3.7: Hilary Burton and Mark Kroese: Genomics
3.8: Rachel Faulkenberry, Mesfin Bekalu, and Kasisomayajula Viswanath: Health communication
3.9: Steve Gillam: Public health practice in primary care
3.10: Shoba Ramanadhan: Translating research into practice DS implementation science
4. Policy arenas
4.1: Don Nutbeam: Developing healthy public policy
4.2: Lauren Smith and Ichiro Kawachi: Translating evidence to policy
4.3: John Battersby: Translating policy into indicators and targets
4.4: Rebekah A. Jenkin, Christine M. Jorm, and Michael S. Frommer: Translating goals, indicators, and targets into public health action
4.5: Simon Chapman and Becky Freeman: Media advocacy for policy influence
4.6: Tim Lang and Martin Caraher: Influencing international policy
4.7: Nicholas Banatvala and Eric Heymann: Public health in poorer countries
4.8: Lawrence Gostin: Regulation
4.9: David Pencheon, Sonia Roschnik, and Paul Cosford: Health, sustainability, and climate change
5. Healthcare systems
5.1: Elena Azzolini, Mary Harney, and Walter Ricciardi: Sustainability of healthcare systems
5.2: David Lawrence: Planning health services
5.3: Martin McKee and Ellen Nolte: Comparing healthcare systems
5.4: Richard Richards: Commissioning healthcare
5.5: Thomas Rice: Controlling expenditures
5.6: Corrado De Vito and Paolo Villari: Using guidance and frameworks
5.7: Diana Delnoij: Health care process and patient experience
5.8: Chiara de Waure and Carlo Favaretti: Health technology assessment
5.9: Sharon Friel: Improving equity
5.10: Nick Steel, John Ford, and Iain Lang: Improving quality
5.11: Martin McKee, Marina Karanikolos, and Ellen Nolte: Evaluating health care systems
5.12: Muir Gray and Walter Ricciardi: Value-based healthcare
6. Personal effectiveness
6.1: Fiona Sim: Developing leadership skills
6.2: Edmund Jessop: Effective meetings
6.3: Edmund Jessop: Effective writing
6.4: Alan Maryon-Davis: Working with the media
6.5: John Ford, Nick Steel, and Charles Guest: Communicating risk
6.6: Charles Guest: Consultancy in a national strategy
6.7: Leonard Marcus: Effective negotiation
7. Organizations
7.1: Virginia Pearson: Governance and accountability
7.2: John Fien: Programme planning and project management
7.3: Mike Gogarty: Business planning
7.4: Shannon L. Sibbald, Anita Kothari, Malcolm Steinberg, and Beverley Bryant: Working in teams in public health
7.5: Julian Elston: Partnerships
7.6: Jeanette Ward and Jeremy Grimshaw: Getting research into practice
7.7: Felix Greaves and Charles Guest: Workforce