Koko Uncaged - Kieran Shea

Koko Uncaged

By: Kieran Shea

Paperback | 1 September 2018

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The third and final instalment in the fast-paced kick-ass Koko trilogy described by Booklist as "[A] futuristic wild ride... Great fun".

Surviving job loss, an unsettled vendetta, a submarine wreck, heartbreak, and mortal carnage on a tokusatsu scale, Koko P. Martstellar (ex-corporate mercenary and saloon/brothel owner) is trying to reassemble what's left of her life. Being hired to protect global industrialist Bogart Gong seems like as good a place to start as any, but bodyguard work isn't the cakewalk Koko thought it'd be. Throw in some autocratic malfeasance, a hatchet man with a flair for the dramatic, a South American despot, lovers back from the grave, and a high-speed race at a prison, and you've a brain-melting cocktail of cyberpunk satire that's impossible to put down.
Industry Reviews
"puts the "punk" back in "cyberpunk" while flipping you off at the same time" Barnes & Noble SFF Blog

"You could read Kieran Shea's Koko Uncaged because of its appealing kick-ass heroine, or its setting five hundred years from now, or its fast-paced narrative, or because of its satirical take on the cyberpunk genre...but you should read it because it's fun." Kirkusreviews.com

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