Hunt the Space-Witch! : Seven Adventures in Time and Space - Robert Silverberg

Hunt the Space-Witch!

Seven Adventures in Time and Space

By: Robert Silverberg

Paperback | 6 September 2011

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  • Science fiction legend Robert Silverberg reflects on some of his earliest,least-reprinted tales in this new Planet Stories collection! Between 1956and 1958, Silverberg contributed dozens of short stories and novellas to thedigest pulps, each written in the bombastic, high-adventure style of theoriginal Planet Stories magazine. Since then, those tales havere-appeared only rarely (and sometimes never again) in long out-of-printpaperback anthologies. This volume, the first of three to come this year,features seven hard-to-find classic Silverberg novellas: Slaves of the StarGiants, Spawn of the Deadly Sea, The Flame and the Hammer, ValleyBeyond Time, Hunt the Space-Witch!, The Silent Invaders, andSpacerogue.

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