Having Fun with Something Different : Activity Book - Hayley Frazer

Having Fun with Something Different

Activity Book

By: Hayley Frazer

Paperback | 1 August 2021

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Meet Jonnie Smiss, a teenager who is a little different. Jonnie likes to do things his way, so get ready for an adventure!

Jonnie has lots of fun activities for you to do in this book.

Designed for junior primary students, this activity book is a fun-filled companion to Something a Little Different, shortlisted for the Book of The Year Award for Speech Pathology Australia, 2020.

This is another wonderful collaboration between author Hayley Frazer and illustrator Lauren Eldridge Murray, with an important message for early learners about resilience, acceptance, and differences.

This activity book can be used as a stand-alone resource at home, or in the classroom and/or used in conjunction with the book Something A Little Different.

More information about Hayley and her journey is available at: hayleyfrazer.com.au