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Futureproof You : 3 Keys to Reimagining Your Career and Amplifying Your Impact In the New World of Work - Kellie Tomney

Futureproof You

3 Keys to Reimagining Your Career and Amplifying Your Impact In the New World of Work

By: Kellie Tomney

Paperback | 19 October 2020

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Constant Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity and Disruption in our world are making jobs, careers and industries more insecure. The Future of Work and the fourth industrial revolution are here. Careers have changed and will continue to change rapidly and significantly.

The question is: Will you change with the times, or will you be forced to change because of them?

Able to relate to the internal call for career change as well as recognising the sudden, dramatic, external catalysts at work in the world, in Futureproof You, careers expert Kellie Tomney addresses:

  • The global trends influencing career choices and the opportunities inherent in the new world of work
  • The journey from feeling abandoned, disconnected and Frustrated to becoming truly Futureproof
  • The 3 Futureproofing Keys that will unlock your unique value and superpower your career
  • The tools to adapt and grow in an ever-evolving cycle of impact

This book is big, bold and life-changing, designed to help you to get back in the driver's seat when it comes to your career, leadership, organisation and future.

It's time to come back to your power. It's time to discover your next career, leadership and life purpose. Achieve your alignment and highest influence, and amplify your positive impact.

Industry Reviews

'Talented, career-driven people want agency and authenticity. They want to own the trajectory of their careers. In Futureproof You, Kellie has focused each of us to be the agents of change and custodians of our own working lives. Taking charge of your future is a bold proposition, but truly must be the only way forward in what is sure to become known as the decade of disruption.'

MATT CHURCH, Founder of Thought Leaders, author of Rise Up: An Evolution In Leadership

'Kellie brings warmth, enthusiasm, joy and excitement to her work. In Futureproof You, Kellie's book takes you on journey from Reactive to Proactive and finally to Futureproof, supporting you to make your career dreams a reality.'

MEGAN LARSEN, Founder of Sodashi Skincare, author of Startups & Self-Care

'In this thought-provoking book, Kellie Tomney argues passionately that you can take back your power, and take responsibility for managing your career and your life. By unlocking her three keys and her evolving cycle of impact, you can realise your true potential, and make for a better world. There can be no more noble purpose."

GORDON CAIRNS, Chairman, Woolworths Group & Origin Energy, Non-executive Director, World Education Australia

'Kellie is considered and inspiring. How heartening to have details of her own story shared to counsel others to pursue personal evolution for drive fulfillment. She has much to contribute to us all during these complex times. This book provokes reflection and provides tools that shed light for us all. Futureproof You is a must-read, particularly for influencers and leaders pursuing a path of positive impact in their careers and lives.' 

KATHY HATZIS, Chief Marketing & Growth Officer, Non-executive Director

'Kellie is a wealth of knowledge, an overflowing cup of compassion and a powerful True Believer with loads of belief, conviction 

and commitment when it comes to helping people, leaders and organisations not only navigate and maximise what's 

next but actually FUTUREPROOF. She's the real deal!'

CHRISTINA GUIDOTTI, Speaker, author, advisor & thought leader

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