From Complex Analysis to Metascience : A Stroll Around Boundary Behavior, Similarity and Duality - Hongyu Li

From Complex Analysis to Metascience

A Stroll Around Boundary Behavior, Similarity and Duality

By: Hongyu Li, Wenbin Li, Shigeru Kanemitsu

Hardcover | 30 November 2025

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This book covers complex analysis (the study of boundary behaviors of analytic functions) and its applications with engineering problems, especially control theory from the viewpoint of boundary functions. The metascience part is rather unique and illustrates a metascientific way of thinking engineering problems by examples of batteries which are cores of electric vehicles.This book gives a way of looking at the phenomena from a higher and brighter point of view through the windows of boundary behavior and metascience. In Chapter 1 which is meant for mathematics-oriented readers, we state materials in standard complex analysis with emphasis on similarity and Laurent expansions. Non-mathematical readers can also benefit by browsing through many examples and worked-out exercises. Chapter 2 gives some concrete examples of invoking novel ideas in the heap of stereo-typed contributions to a field. Possible replacement of LIB by ECaSS(R) is a typical example through which the reader can learn basics of electromagnetism and electrochemistry. The book also provides hints for a deeper understanding of environmental problems as well as how to manage and create a sustainable society.

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