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Five Lessons : A Master Class by Neville - Neville Goddard

Five Lessons

A Master Class by Neville

By: Neville Goddard

Paperback | 29 June 2020

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"The difference between FEELING yourself in action, here and now, and visualizing yourself in action, as though you were on a motion-picture screen, is the difference between success and failure."- Neville Goddard

In 1948 the modern mystic Neville Goddard presented a series of lessons in Los Angeles that many have come to regard as the teacher's clearest, most penetrating explanation of his methods of mental creativity. In them, Neville explains why your mental images and feelings determine your future. He provides his most direct, exquisitely clear method on how to explore the divine nature of your mind and use it to create the life you want.

Preserving his words exactly as those original students heard them, the five lessons are:
1. Consciousness Is the Only Reality
2. Assumptions Harden into Fact
3. Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally
4. No One to Change but Self
5. Remain Faithful to Your Idea

Neville's writings and lectures are as fresh and relevant today as when he first wrote and spoke them. He walked the talk and has left us with ample material to ponder and the practical suggestions and techniques in this book can profoundly change your life.

Neville concludes his lectures with his oft stated premise: "Assume you are what you want to be. Walk in that assumption and it will harden into fact."

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Published: 5th February 2013

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