Emerging Electronics and Automation : Select Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference, E2A 2023, Volume 2 - Daniel-Ioan  Stroe

Emerging Electronics and Automation

Select Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference, E2A 2023, Volume 2

By: Daniel-Ioan Stroe (Editor), Nasimuddin (Editor), Shahedul Haque Laskar (Editor), Shivendra Kumar Pandey (Editor)

Hardcover | 16 March 2025

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This book includes peer-reviewed papers presented at the 3rd International Conference on Emerging Electronics & Automation (E2A) 2023. This volume will serve as a comprehensive compilation of the scientific exchanges that took place during the conference at NIT Silchar, India. These proceedings aim to provide readers with insights into the latest scientific endeavors and accomplishments of the conference participants in various emerging fields, including instrumentation, control, signal processing, communication, and related computational techniques. The book seeks to present the global audience with exciting updates, novel findings, and solutions to challenging questions in the field, while also inspiring aspiring scientists to pursue meaningful scientific research. Despite its specialization, the field of instrumentation spans a wide range of disciplines, such as electronics, computation, automation, microelectronic technology, nanomaterials, and biomedical engineering applications. Consequently, this publication is expected to appeal to a diverse audience within the scientific and engineering domains.

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