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Death in Dublin : A Novel of Suspense - Bartholomew Gill

Death in Dublin

A Novel of Suspense

By: Bartholomew Gill

Hardcover | 1 January 2003

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An Irish cultural treasure has been stolen from the Trinity College library: the Book of Kells, an ancient, exquisitely illustrated ninth-century amalgam of Christian doctrine and Celtic legend. Normally, theft would not fall under the jurisdiction of Peter McGarr of the Murder Squad, even one of this magnitude. But the heinous crime comes with an extra indignity: the brutal slaying of a night watchman, believed to have been a party to the felony.
The fact that blood has been so freely spilled is most disturbing to McGarr, suggesting that the perpetrators' motive was not merely financial gain. Back-biting politics only further tangles the web of thievery and murder that McGarr must unravel quickly and completely. Mounting evidence suggests that the repercussions of this case may be more devastating than first imagined, pointing the intrepid detective toward a secret organization intent on nothing less than the destruction of contemporary Irish society.
They call themselves the New Druids, dangerous zealots dedicated to returning Ireland to its ancient pagan state. Their deadly reach is wide, infiltrating the hallowed halls of Trinity College and quite possibly the Garda itself, forcing McGarr to doubt the loyalties of even his closest compatriots. With the dubious help of an unlikely "partner" - the millionaire publisher of a disreputable "scandal sheet" - McGarr undertakes the most perilous assignment of his career, plunging into a deadly maelstrom of secrets, deceptions, dark rituals...and the ever-escalating violence that even his most determined efforts cannot prevent.