Cooling Down Teen Stress - Delight Johnston Chandler

Cooling Down Teen Stress

By: Delight Johnston Chandler, Cameron Johnston (Illustrator)

Paperback | 1 October 2020

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An exciting story, by a teen for teens, that relates to the stresses of everyday life. Live a year with Derisa-energetic, smart, caring and otherwise typical high school student-as she navigates challenges in and out of school. Her story grapples with real life-and-death teen issues, like dating, parents, fear, jobs, grades, suicide and grief. Following each chapter is an interactive teen stress strategy, providing readers with high-impact awareness tools to assess their stress levels and manage stress. There are practical solutions for external stressors, like not enough time, money or friends-and for deep-seated, internal stressors, like low self-worth, guilt and negative emotions.

This book is priority reading for every teenager.
Industry Reviews
"Very well written, especially because the author is a teenager! Phrasing and word choice are age and culture appropriate."
Writer's Digest

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