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Communication Skills Handbook 2E : How to Succeed in Written and Oral Communication - Summers

Communication Skills Handbook 2E

How to Succeed in Written and Oral Communication

By: Summers

Paperback | 9 December 2005 | Edition Number 2

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This handbook has been designed to assist students to effectively prepare and present written and verbal material. It provides practical tips and deals with the major problems students are likely to encounter in the preparation and presentation of material for assessment. <p> The objectives of this handbook are: <ul> <li>To outline the minimum requirements for formal presentation of written and verbal material. <li>To assist lecturers to apply a consistent approach to the assessment of the formal presentation of written and verbal material by students (irrespective of department, unit or level of study). <li>To reinforce that communication skills should be viewed by students as an integral component of their studies and essential to their careers, rather than as optional skills isolated from their chosen disciplines. </ul> <p>

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