Captain Cook's Apprentice - Anthony Hill

Captain Cook's Apprentice

By: Anthony Hill

Paperback | 1 September 2008 | Edition Number 1

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'What are they saying?' Isaac asked Taiata.
'They are calling us tupua. . . goblins and demons.'
'And what else?'
'They say they will come back and kill us all.'

When young Isaac Manley sailed on the Endeavour from England in 1768, no one on board knew if a mysterious southern continent existed in the vast Pacific Ocean. It would be a voyage full of uncertainties and terrors.

During the course of the three-year journey, Isaac's eyes are opened to all the brutal realities of life at sea - floggings, storms, press-gangs, the deaths of fellow crewmen, and violent clashes on distant shores.

Yet Isaac also experiences the tropical beauty of Tahiti, where he becomes friends with a Tahitian girl. He sees the wonders of New Zealand. And he is there when the men of Endeavour first glimpse the east coast of Australia, anchor in Botany Bay, and run aground on the Great Barrier Reef.

The enthralling true story of Captain Cook's voyage to Australia on the Endeavour, seen through the eager eyes of a cabin boy, by best-selling and award-winning author Anthony Hill.

About the Author

Anthony Hill is a multi-award-winning, bestselling author, and his books include works for both adults and children. His novel Soldier Boy, about Australia's youngest-known Anzac, was winner of the 2002 NSW Premier's Literary Award for Books for Young Adults. Anthony's most recent book, Captain Cook's Apprentice, won the 2009 NSW Premier's Young People's History Prize. It follows Soldier Boy, Young Digger and Animal Heroes as further testimony to his remarkable ability to extensively research historical material and, from wide-ranging sources, piece together a moving and exciting story. He is also the author of two novellas, the beautiful Shadow Dog, and the award-winning The Burnt Stick, illustrated by Mark Sofilas, as well as the picture book, Lucy's Cat and the Rainbow Birds, illustrated by Jane Tanner. Anthony lives in Canberra with his wife, Gillian.

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