The Great Blood Bank Robbery : The Bloodhound Boys Series - Andrew Cranna

The Great Blood Bank Robbery

The Bloodhound Boys Series

By: Andrew Cranna

Paperback | 1 October 2013

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A scary graphic novel from the undead world, full of monsters, blood and betrayal. Read it if you dare!

Deep under the Earth's crust, near Skull River City, a terrible crime has been committed - the city's supply of blood has been stolen from the blood bank.

Rocky (a werewolf-kid) and Vince (a vampire-kid) decide they must investigate to help save their friend Gretel Ghoul, who suffers from a rare blood disorder. But who could be behind the crime?

About the Author

Andrew Cranna grew up in rural NSW. After studying Primary Education at university, Andrew travelled around the world teaching and playing rugby in various places. After finishing a bicycle adventure through Asia, Andrew settled in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam to continue teaching and illustrating for travel magazines and local newspapers. Andrew later returned to Australia to complete a Masters Degree in Art Education and take up a position as Art Master at Sydney Grammar Prep School at St Ives where he continues to teach. He currently lives on the Central Coast with his wife and two sons and spends his travel time to school writing and drawing. The Bloodhound Boys is his first book.

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