Cannily, Cannily - Simon French

Cannily, Cannily

By: Simon French

Paperback | 1 April 2012

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Trevor and his family aren t considered normal. They travel around Australia in their kombi, living in caravan parks and working at odd jobs. His parents always wanted Trevor to experience the world and meet interesting people. But lately Trevor only feels like he doesn t belong. When they arrive in a new town, Trevor decides that this time things are going to be different and the school football team might just be the key.
  • A children's classic re-jacketed for a new generation.
  • Combines themes of belonging, football, friendships and family values into a sensitive story with charactersthat kids can relate to.
About the Author

Simon French grew up in Sydney's west, and had his first novel while he was still at high school. He has written several novels and picture books, published in Australia and overseas. His work is praised by critics and has won several awards, including the 1987 Children's Book Council of Australia Book of the Year Award for All We Know. Change the Locks was an Honour Book in 1992. His most recent novel, Where in the World, won the 2003 NSW Premier s Literary Award for Children s Literature, and was shortlisted for the 2003 CBCA Book of the Year for Younger Readers, long listed for the 2003 Guardian Children s Fiction Prize and nominated to the IBBY Honour List in 2004.
Industry Reviews
Well written; deep round characters; realistic dialogue; and with a heart all it's own -- Cannily, Cannily, is a book you won't forget. -- Cait (Paper Fury) * goodreads *

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